
Our aim: Is to breed a beautiful healthy bulldog. We pay extra attention to the construction of the dog and the airways. We like to see dogs with a somewhat longer and more flexible back and a less short nose. In our ideal picture, the tail is at least over the anus. Good airways are also very important to us. A bulldog likes to run and play and he should be able to maintain this for a while without any problems. Our goal is not to completely adjust the appearance of a bulldog, but to optimize it to promote health. We want to keep and deepen the sweet social character. Target points: - Slightly longer nose with nice open nostrils. - Good airways to undergo warmer weather and jogging / running without problems. - A tail to at least over the anus. - A flexible spine / spine with a pleasant length that should also further promote natural deliveries. - Obviously a soft and sweet character. - and we want to see very social dogs.
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